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Entry 20: Code Breaker Preliminary Research


Looking at my current game idea in comparison to other similar games on the market already.

Action Combat/ ARPG:


  • Fluid movement e.g double jump, archwing/ flying, bullet jump (mid air dash).

  • Range of weapons- Primary, secondary & Melee. Different feel & style of play.

  • 'Mods' or augments can be loaded onto these weapons to create different builds.

  • Different enemy types- Infested (Bloated HP), Grineer (High armour), Corpus (Energy shield/ can also disrupt player's actions), Sentient (Adaptive resistance/ change in damage type is needed to take them down effectively).

  • Flying gameplay elements (Archwings missions) is considered sup-par to regular missions type. Too much open space, hard to see enemies & dependant on a separated system from base gameplay.

Black Desert:

  • An MMO action base combat that is considered the best in the genre along with game fidelity.

  • Combo action combat based with no need for the use of skill hot-bar.

  • Branching skill tree with different traits.

  • Different classes to pick from which later can specialise into different weapon play style.

  • Little compelling reasons as to why player undertake certain tasks.

Soul Worker:

  • Action combat MMO that feels like hack & slash

  • Cell shaded/ anime style (aesthetic closes to what I can in-vision for my game idea).

  • Controls feels stiff & too light in certain areas.

  • Lots of camera clipping in tight areas or places with lots of props.

Nier Automata:

  • Primarily an action combat base game with changing gameplay style.

  • Fluid motions & a mix between realistic & anime aesthetic.

  • Different weapons & upgrades available.

  • Compelling story/ narrative.


  • Different weapons to pick & or unlock from- different playstyle.

  • Theme of escaping the underworld/ parental restrictions resonate with my current game ideas.

  • Boons (augments) & weapon upgrade can be acquired to further change play style.

  • Sharp & clear movements.

  • Dialogue & character expressions illustrations are used to convey the story.

MMO/ Fashion Elements:


  • Change colours parts on the Warframe (Playable characters).

  • Diverse Warframe's skins. Helmets/ head can be changed as well.

  • Warframes are technically 'gendered locked' but the 'Tenno' (special teens that control their Warframe like their own from afar) are not.

  • Accessory- Cape, legs, arms, chest and body's emission can be changed for different parts & or colours.

  • Due to a lack of a formal end game 'Fashion Frame' has been an unofficial standard for players to keep playing.

  • Some skins/ accessory are locked behind real life money or deluxe packs.

  • However, premium currency can be traded between players and be used to buy some of these accessory.

  • Note, all weapons and playable characters can be obtain for free (note the only cost is time sunken into farming).

  • No skins/ accessory has any stats associated with them.

  • Designated hubs/ channels are used by the player to traded or brought for farmed items.

  • Clans/ dojo exist as social spaces that can be decorated, expanded, & customise.

  • Usually effort/ time sunken in/ power level of player can also correlate to how well decorated their Warframe is.

Black Desert:

  • Minimal & long interval between outfit changes outside of cash shop purchases.

  • Shop outfit purchases are £20-£30.

  • Classes are gendered locked but do feature opposite gendered class. e.g Ranger & Archer. The opposite gender do have varying play style from each others.

  • Impressive body customisation from cheekbones shapes to body proportions and muscle definitions.

Soul Worker:

  • Different slots for outfit pieces.

  • Certain outfits can obtained and made through in-game resources.

  • The better looking (subjective) are available through cash shop.

  • Not every item can be dyed & dyed is a separate item the player has to obtain.

Nier Automata:

  • Outfits unlocked through completions of different achievements.

  • Outfits appears to be either sets or accessory.

  • Customisation is limited.


  • Different weapons- different play style.

  • Different accessory (not visualise) that has different passive/ effects.

  • No character customisation/ outfits.


  • There are elements from each game listed that I think are useful & applicable to my game. However, I'll need to be careful to consider and mange my scope to provide a unique experience. In comparing these games with my game idea an important differentiation for most of these games is the fact that most of them are MMOs- which will have business models that reflects the cost of sustaining a live service game. That being said, I personally disagree with excessive exclusive outfits locked behind a pay-wall especially if more effort was placed into them as compared with their free obtainable counterparts.

  • Though I can't hope to match the polish and depth of some of these combats/ movement system, a brief but polish experience is something I can aim for. This is contingent on my planning and management skills.


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