Fashion/ Clothing Style Resources:
Survey That I Sent Out:

This research is focused on broadening my knowledge of different fashion style and type. If I am to base a game around clothing expression I would like to be able to include the most common elements of these different style into a limited amount of option for the player as to make it feasibly possible to make by myself. A limitation/ contingency as a result of working alone- on a larger team perhaps the scope can be expanded.
Result of Survey:
From the responses, clothing style suggested are unique and flashy which deviate from common modern style.
To summarise the different style into 3 categories:
Artistic/ Fantasy: Elements that are flashy or express the freedom of ones artistic visions or ideals.
Sci-fi/ Streamline: Elements that are futuristic or high-tech looking which often look clean.
Traditional/ Historical: Elements of nostalgia for older period of clothes- often seen as distanced and distinct from modern fashion.
Moving forward, I wish to incorporate these general categories into my designs of clothing the player can pick from.